Sure it might get that guy to like you...for a while. But how are you going to feel when you let that disguise slip and he see's your proper personality? I mean, you can be you, and he can learn to like who YOU are. OR you can pretend to be someone else, someone your not, and get your heartbroken.
2.Be funny.
Guys like funny. But guy funny. Make sarcastic jokes but not in a snotty way, don't try to be too much like a guy, he wants to be dating a lady, not his brother.
3. Be sexy.
Not a whore. I repeat not a whore. Leave a LOT to his imagination, be flirty and fun. Show a little, not a lot. Low cut tops are okay so long as your not spilling out of them. NEVER wear dark eyes with dark lips. No one wants to go out with some vampire women. Guys want other guys to be jealous. No guy wants to be with some girl that he knows any other guy can shag.
4.Be awesome
This includes making the sandwiches. Don't let a guy walk all over you but don't walk over him, let him stare at that other girl's arse, so long as he's not licking it...You'll be the cool girlfriend, but be careful, know when he's looking and when he's window shopping
5. Look after yourself
Wash your hair, clean your teeth, shave. You know the drill, this shouldn't be a number on this list really, but you know...there's always one.
6. Don't be clingy
No guy wants a girlfriend who clings to him like a leech, don't check his phone everytime you see him (trust, if he's cheating he'll be sneakier then that) no going onto his facebook or asking him where he's been all the time, let him be with his friends, but also make sure to let him know that YOU'RE also a priority
It sounds stupid, and if you're searching this you probably don't want to hear this one but the truth is you can't pull anyone if you aren't being yourself, there's no point getting a boyfriend when you have nothing in common or when you have to google everything he says because you haven't got a clue where 'there's a girl in the garden' is a quote from.
4.Be awesome
This includes making the sandwiches. Don't let a guy walk all over you but don't walk over him, let him stare at that other girl's arse, so long as he's not licking it...You'll be the cool girlfriend, but be careful, know when he's looking and when he's window shopping
5. Look after yourself
Wash your hair, clean your teeth, shave. You know the drill, this shouldn't be a number on this list really, but you know...there's always one.
6. Don't be clingy
No guy wants a girlfriend who clings to him like a leech, don't check his phone everytime you see him (trust, if he's cheating he'll be sneakier then that) no going onto his facebook or asking him where he's been all the time, let him be with his friends, but also make sure to let him know that YOU'RE also a priority
It sounds stupid, and if you're searching this you probably don't want to hear this one but the truth is you can't pull anyone if you aren't being yourself, there's no point getting a boyfriend when you have nothing in common or when you have to google everything he says because you haven't got a clue where 'there's a girl in the garden' is a quote from.